Saturday, December 12, 2009

Chocolate and Brandy

I love the blog of Kris Alcantara! She is one woman who is crazy about chocolates and is kind enough to share no-bake recipes once a week. Here is something she did with brandy, Fudge Brownies.

I have to admit that I don't drink as much brandy if it was for the sake of happiness. I generally prefer gin over brandy. But because I was so inspired of Kris' entry, I decided to give brandy a twist. I mixed in two spoons of chocolate syrup and a spoon of fresh milk into a glass with brandy and ice cubes. I made mint tea and poured it into the mixture. Tadaah! Creamy Chocolate Mint Tea Brandy. Well, it may remind you of Bailey's but this is not as sweet. Try it.

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